At this year's SCA Event, Sustainable Harvest will present its first silent auction, La Lucha, which will feature extraordinary micro-lots from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Colombia.
Of the many coffees to submitted to the auction by top producers, only 24 passed a rigorous first round of evaluation by Q graders at Sustainable Harvest's global offices. Now, with your help, we'll identify just 12 of these coffees that will make the final cut for the auction.
This unique selection cupping will be led by Sherri Johns, who was a Cup of Excellence Head Judge for 14 years as well as an ACE Master Trainer, and is supporting our auction program. Don't miss out on this opportunity to judge extraordinary coffees alongside this industry legend!
Please RSVP via the form on this page. We look forward to seeing you there!
2303 W Commodore Way , Suite 204
Seattle, WA 98199