Throughout our years of sourcing, we’ve met a handful of uncompromising growers who put their sweat and tears into producing the finest coffees in the world. Now, we want to offer you the unique opportunity to connect with these gifted producers and purchase their premier micro-lots through the La Lucha auction.
All coffees for the La Lucha auction were carefully selected by the producers themselves, and have already undergone one round of screening and selection by Q grader cuppers at Sustainable Harvest®’s global offices. A second, final round of screening by a group of Q Graders and roaster judges led by Sherri Johns in Portland, Oregon will trim 24 top coffee submissions down to just 12 coffees total for the auction. And, yes, you heard that right—the legendary Sherri Johns, who was a Cup of Excellence Head Judge for 14 years as well as an ACE Master Trainer, is helping us shape our auction program to ensure it is an exceptional event!
The coffees selected for La Lucha are not only among the best in the world, they come with incredible impact. To be eligible for the auction, each producer had to score a minimum of 80 points on the B Corporation B Impact Assessment, indicating their organizations create a high level of value for their customers, employees, community, and the environment through their business practices.
To RSVP for the auction, fill out the form on this page. We'll send you an information packet with more details, and will keep you posted with news as this exciting event approaches!
RSVP below and and we'll send you a document with more details about the auction!
2303 W Commodore Way , Suite 204
Seattle, WA 98199