This International Women's Day, we're celebrating our women producer partners by featuring their coffees. Below, you'll find fantastic women-grown coffees from Peru, Colombia, and Rwanda, the latter of which were produced by cooperatives in the Sustainable Growers women's coffee program. These coffees were produced exclusively by professional women who grow and supply high-quality, specialty coffee for trade.
Purchasing women-grown coffees is one of the most impactful ways you can promote gender equity in the coffee supply chain. Women carry out much of the labor in the coffee, from tending to the farm to processing and sorting, yet receive little compensation for their contribution and direct impact on the quality of the end product. By voting with your dollars, you're helping to lift up entrepreneurial women farmers who are pioneering new standards of cup quality, value-sharing, and business success in coffee-producing organizations.
Learn more about our work with women in coffee and further actions you can take to support gender equity, including forward booking women-grown coffees, here.
A young cooperative, Union y Fe was founded in 2014 in the well-established growing region of San Ignacio, Cajamarca. The cooperative currently offers a lot exclusively from its women growers called Sumac Warmi, which means "Beautiful Women" in the ancient Inca empire Quechua language. This lot gives the 32 women members the opportunity to be recognized and rewarded for the incredible care they give their plants and their commitment to quality.
Through relentless dedication to excellence, Mayogi
In the cool mountain air and verdant slopes of northern Rwanda’s Gakenke district, the farmers from the Dukunde Kawa Musasa cooperative harvest their ripest coffee cherries. With high peaks (6,600-foot elevation) and two annual periods of rainfall, this area possesses a unique micro-climate that creates a wonderfully complex, distinct terroir that results in unforgettable coffee. 80% of Dukunde Kawa's members are women, and in addition to producing coffee they have established a sewing association and implemented a program to produce and export traditional Rwandan baskets, broadening the co-op’s trade skills.
Nyampinga, which translates to "beautiful Women, both inside and out," is a women's coffee cooperative in the Nyaruguru district of Southern Rwanda. Nyampinga was one of the first cooperatives to enroll in Sustainable Growers' training program in agronomic best practices, market access initiatives, and quality control. The result of the farmer's hard work and enhanced knowledge of coffee production has been a resounding improvement in cup quality. Nyampinga coffees are among finest available in all of Rwanda.
Through perseverance, hard work, and an enterprising spirit, Gashonga producers have produced internationally recognized coffee, earning themselves a
Coocentral’s Mujeres Cafeteras (Women’s Coffee) program started from an initiative to teach and empower 300 women coffee growers in the municipalities of Garzón, Pital, and El Agrado. Through Best Agricultural Practices training, the women learn technical skills in coffee harvesting, fermentation, and drying that they use to develop a differentiated cup profile with added value
This coffee comes from 67 Cooperativa de Risaralda farmers in the Quincha, Mistrato, Pereira, Belén, Santa Rosa, La Celia, and Apía municipalities in Risaralda, Colombia. These women farmers are recognized by Cooperativa de Risaralda for their exceptional-quality coffee, which is segmented into this special lot. Cooperativa de Risaralda's recognition of the Mujeres de Risaralda represents an important shift in women's role in coffee in the region, which like so many parts of the coffee-producing world has been male-dominated for many years.
About Sustainable Growers
Since 2013, Sustainable Growers has worked in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies to help women and their families become professional suppliers of specialty coffee. On the farm, they support agricultural training to women-led cooperatives. Beyond the farm, they teach home roasting, cupping, barista and business skills. Once the coffee cooperatives in their program deliver gourmet coffee at high volumes, they help bring it to consumers.
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