Working 2,000 meters above sea level, the Homacho Waeno co-op’s 3,629 members cultivate extraordinary coffee on 2,000 sloped hectares of rich volcanic soils in Ethiopia’s Sidama region. Homacho’s four washing stations produce an average of 468 tons of washed beans each year—coffee that has excited roasters with its exceedingly nuanced and complex aroma and flavor profile.
Limmu Kossa is a family-owned coffee farm committed to producing high-quality specialty coffee in an environmentally and socially sustainable way. It is the largest family-owned coffee farm in Jimma Zone of the Oromia Regional state of Ethiopia. At Limmu Kossa, coffee is grown under forest shade, which helps the beans develop slower, becoming more dense and flavorful as a result. Cherries are processed with two on-site environmentally friendly wet mills and one eco-mill equipped for both wet and dry processing. The farm also has a honey production operation consisting of more than 107 modern beehives, and has various social programs to support its workers and nearby farming communities.
SNAP COFFEE was established in Addis Ababa in 2008 by coffee entrepreneur Negusse. The company runs three coffee washing and processing stations in the Gedeo zone and partners with washing stations in Guji and West Arsi, exporting specialty coffee to customers worldwide.
Fero cooperative, one of Sidama Coffee Farmers Union’s 45 member co-ops, grows some of the world’s best coffee in 3,000 hectares of rich volcanic soil. Fero’s central collection and washing station remains busy into the evening during December’s peak harvest, as the co-op’s more than 4,000 farmers work overtime picking ripe cherries. The wet mill pulps and washes an average of 446 tons (7,433 bags) of clean beans each year.
Wottona Bultuma’s 2,773 members grow exceptionally bright and full-bodied coffees in 1,400 hectares of rich earth in Ethiopia’s southwestern highlands. With an average annual output of 333 tons (5,555 bags) of clean beans, Wottona is yet another Sidama Union co-op producing coffee of the highest order—and the world has taken notice. Wottona's beans have fetched record bids at auction in recent years, demonstrating the co-op’s redoubled care in cultivation, harvesting, and milling.
The smallholder farmers of Ardent grow their coffee as has been done for centuries in their region, under the shade of the lush indigenous trees of Gedeb. Their modern and meticulous approach to harvesting and processing, however, embraces the present, and the marriage of these production techniques yields some of the finest coffee Ethiopia has to offer.
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