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    Tolima, one of Colombia’s coffee jewels

    by Claudia Rocio-Gomez on March 16, 2022 at 9:09 AM

    Colombia is a country closely associated with coffee—and it’s no wonder why. The incredible quality and wide range of flavors of Colombian coffee...

    Meet the SH team: QC at Origin

    by Ana Valencia on October 27, 2021 at 3:46 PM

    A few weeks ago, we released the first piece in a series of posts featuring the faces of the Sustainable Harvest team. Our goal with this series is...

    Voices from the Field: What is Happening in Colombia and How is it Impacting Coffee?

    by Jorge Cuevas on May 27, 2021 at 9:30 AM

    For almost a month, political and civil unrest has surged in Colombia. Since April 28, protests that were initially sparked in response to a...

    An Update on Colombia: Adaptability, Resilience, and Emerging Regions

    by Alfonso Carmona on May 4, 2021 at 8:00 AM

    There are few coffee growing countries more iconic than Colombia. Colombia produces the most Arabica coffee out of any country in the world and ranks...

    Harvesting Under Quarantine: One Co-op's Creative Approach

    by Claudia Rocio-Gomez on June 9, 2020 at 12:15 PM

    FCC's organic fertilizer plant providing farmers access to high-quality fertilizer while under quarantine.

    For the vast majority of coffee farmers,...

    A Peace Factory

    by Jorge Cuevas on November 5, 2018 at 1:57 PM
    To any self-professed specialty-coffee professional, Colombia is an important reference point. It’s an iconic origin that helped define the world’s...

    The Roya Recovery Project

    by Sara Morrocchi on March 28, 2013 at 2:07 PM

    These past three months we have all seen the reports of the devastation that Coffee Rust Disease (Roya in Spanish) has caused in coffee communities...

    Innovating Design for Depulping and Drying

    by Olga Cuellar-Gomez on March 25, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    Since Saturday, the Sustainable Harvest® Colombia team has been traveling with four graduate students from Stanford University’s d.School: a...