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From Farm to Cup with CEO & Founder of Sustainable Harvest David Griswold - Brand on Purpose Podcast

Posted by Ana Valencia on March 1, 2022 at 6:15 PM


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Aaron Kwitten recently interviewed David Griswold, our CEO, and Founder, on the Brand on Purpose Podcast! 

In the episode, “From Farm to Cup,” David talks about the beginnings of Sustainable Harvest and why he decided to pursue this business, how he came up with the idea of developing the “Relationship Coffee Model,” as well as reflecting on what makes Sustainable Harvest different from other importing companies. 

Listen below to a few highlights we pulled from the episode, or click here to listen to the full podcast!


  • How did it all started? 

  • How did you learn about the business? 

  • What questions should people be asking about certifications?  


  • What is the Relationship Coffee Model


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Topics: Coffee, Innovation, Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers, Technology, Industry Update, Media